ELNAK is partnering with the Ashesi Design Lab to locally design and build a textile shredder. ELNAK is a textile waste management company that provides wardrobe decluttering and reorganizing services to households in Ghana and West Africa. There are also plans to advance textile recycling services to fashion houses. As a hybrid company looking to provide Ghanaians with sustainable and green ways to deal with their pre-loved textiles, the team aligns itself with the 8th, 11th and 12th SDGs which focus on providing equal employment opportunities, sustainable amenities for cities and eliminating waste respectively.
The growing team has currently collected close to 10,000 kg of textile waste in the last year, donated over 800kg and partnered with local artists to transform discarded items into elegant fashion pieces. The shredder project seeks to advance the company to the next level where the team not only collects, cleans, upcycles or donates textiles, which are the current main activities, but also recycles these pre-loved items.
The Team
