A group of students went to Germany to work on an Ashesi D: Lab project with the "Move EV" organization funded by the Erasmus program. The idea started with a mental Health Mobile summer project in 2021. Through connections, Ashesi Design Lab partnered with a university in Dresden called Technische Universität Dresden to further the research. The initiative seeks to help specialists solve mental-health related issues through implementing knowledge on design thinking, which is a problem-solving framework that develop solutions which are based on the understanding of the user's point of view.
Ashesi D:lab was Founded in September, 2015 and specializes in applying design thinking to complex problems in our communities and the world at large.
Move EV is a Dresden-based NGO that was found in 2013 to promote empowering spaces towards mentally healthier communities. The core project is based on the work of Move EV in Ketu South, Ghana (focused on Design Thinking Project to better connect healthcare professionals and religious leaders in supporting patients).
The interns are brainstorming creative ideas towards achieving the organizations' mission as well as get exposed to a plethora of knowledge and ideas surrounding the core aim of Move EV.