To start the semester, the D: Lab thought it fitting to have an info session to welcome members, new and old and introduce them to the design lab team. The target segment for this program was the freshmen who joined the Ashesi community online and therefore were unacquainted with the design lab and its activities. Additionally, the audience were to be briefed about the current ongoings and projects within the D: Lab.
The audience was briefed about the aims and essence of the D: Lab and, in addition, were informed on successful projects that the D: Lab had supported like the Kilaka Snail Farm, which through the expertise and design method consultations provided by the Lab has been able to scale and Take Off, a student start-up that is exploring the helicopter transportation space which through the provision of consultation by the Lab is now steadily growing. They were also informed about the Summer Mobile Project, where the D: Lab provided support to several projects over the summer holidays, and the Hackathon project, which sought to pose a problem, seek solutions from students and award the best solution. The audience was also informed about the slate of activities planned for the semester, including but not limited to activities like Social Media for Good, a webinar aimed at educating Ashesi students on how to monetize social media.