Benjamin Franklin once said that knowledge is the finest investment. This well-known adage is being put into practice by UniGhana, a project that aims to assist students in seizing opportunities that advance their academic performance or extracurricular pursuits. The inadequate guidance for senior high school graduates in Ghana. (There is little and segmented data about tertiary institution in Ghana which makes it hard for SHS graduates to easily navigate the transition from SHS to undergraduate studies) has become an eyesore over the past few years.
The initiative will offer senior high school graduates educational consulting services with the main goal of offering guidance and making it simple to access resources about colleges and courses to ensure sound college decisions.
UniGhana focuses on these main objectives:
1. Connecting high schoolers to the right colleges.
2. Providing them with knowledge on the various courses in college and the career paths associated with them
3. Exposing them to opportunities that boost their academics or extracurricular activities.
Through this initiative, the projects seeks to solve SDG goal number 4: Quality Education (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.)
Solution statement
Leveraging mobile phone technology and the prevalence of the internet, UniGhana has prospects of creating a web application and mobile based platform; that provides students with needed and timely information concerning college decisions and guidance on how to apply.
Project objective
The goal is to bridge the information divide that sometimes leads students to making poor decisions about their tertiary education.