The flood project has a Ghanaian-Filipino agro-waste designer Mae-ling Lokko collaborating with Ashesi students to implement environmentally friendly and sustainable methods of controlling flooding by utilising local material (different ranges of local flora, soil and absorption media).
Within the past decades, flooding has become a global pandemic, which hampers economic and social development. This global phenomenon has led to loss of lives and economic damages in many countries including Ghana. In Ghana, flooding is among the top 10 natural disasters and hazards and ranks second after epidemics such as bacterial and viral infectious diseases. In any given year, Accra has over a 20% chance of experiencing floods, given an extremely high rainfall.
The flood project is in the scope of SDG goals 13 which seeks to tackle climate change, and its impact. Goal 13; 1 specifically aims to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters.
Solution statement
Integrating a second cycle of plants within the landscape flood control installation that integrates biodiversity and public infrastructure in the Klottey-Korle constituency.
Project objectives
Maintaining the resuscitated project
Opening up the project to newer locations
Explore alternative designs that can enable the project occur on a larger scale
Develop multimedia (Informative videos) on the flood project
More widespread awareness

Team members

NAME: Abdallah Salia

NAME: Stephen Tagoe

NAME: Abena Osei-Akoto

NAME: Patience Dery