Known as a Non-Fungible Tokens, NFTs have fundamentally changed the market for digital assets by implementing blockchain technology. This project seeks to introduce NFT to Artists at the Art Center in Accra so that they understand, adopt, and use it to their advantage. There are also plans to Design an NFT project for the Ashesi Design Lab by the brilliant minds running the project.
The plan is to take advantage of the new digital market space for art works. For some time art work in Ghana has lose some recognition and value due to the slow growth and adjustment to contemporary tools. The art center in Accra is one workshop which still rely on traditional means to market their arts.
The project aims to solve SDG goal number 7 which touches on industry, innovation & infrastructure.
Solution statement
Taking advantage of the NFT digital art space.
Project Objective
Encourage and guide artists at Accra Art center into the NFT digital art space
Design an NFT product for Ashesi Design Lab.
Team Members

NAME: Pascal Mathias

NAME: Abdallah Salia

NAME: Apaalase Cornelius

NAME: Thomas Quarshie
