The Ashesi Design Lab is responsible for the grooming of many talented and innovative individuals whose outstanding ideas have established new levels in numerous fields, so why is it that not everyone in the Ashesi community is up to speed regarding these amazing innovations? This is a question that ignited the spark of the new Ashesi D-Lab Radio Segment. The aim of this new endeavor is to let the entire community know of what goes on in the Design Lab and to arouse interest in the activities that go on inside the lab.
For the first topic of the segment, The D-Lab Radio had an interview with the Lab’s Social Media Head, Mr. Wayne Jotham Gakuo, a final year student here in Ashesi University. It was based on what he has learnt as a member of the Ashesi Design Lab. He mentions the fact that the Lab is a causal factor for all the opportunities he came to have. One opportunity he talked about was the trip the D-Lab Team took to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T). Being over there helped in developing a network with highly skilled residents of the school’s own design lab as well as gaining the benefit of their cumulative knowledge and experience, and that is one blessing for which Wayne will be forever indebted to the D-Lab. Aside from the interesting exploits of Mr. Gakuo, the D-Lab is radio is ready and set to bring all of the school the details on what’s new, fun and soon to find a place among the rest of the world’s major innovations.
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