Miss Audrey S. Darko and the rest of her teammates of Sabon-Sake lived up to Ashesi University’s outstanding reputation of innovative thinking when they won second place at the WEGE Foundation competition for their proposition to convert bagasse, Sugarcane’s main-by product into bio-compost fertilizer with the use of web-based technology and biotechnology to increase the accessibility to the much larger sugarcane market for rural farmers in the Volta Region, so they may obtain greater yields of the produce.
Miss Darko explained that the continuous cycle of collapse and resuscitation of the sugarcane processing factory in Ghana was impossible to ignore. This was because the team realized how importance the creation of a sustainable viable model around a crop like sugarcane is to the Ghanaian government. It was with this level of innovative enlightenment that Sabon-Sake won second place, and in addition to that, they were given $10,000 dollars to start up their initiative.
This is just another step for the Ashesi Design Lab and further success awaits our very own society of impactful geniuses as we progress further.