Ashesi D:Lab from its inception has always supported students and the projects from the ideation stage through prototyping to product phases. The Ashesi Design Lab, in its mission to encourage individual projects had Nii Amartei Amartefio’s project as one the lab supported and helped become a reality.
The project involved extensive research into aeronautics and mechanical engineering, areas in which Nii has a lot of interest. The research yielded results, which led him to draw up sketches and build 3D models of aircrafts with the help of the Ashesi Design Lab. However, the project faced a challenge in progress after the designing of the frame of the plane was completed.
The Design lab helped with funding for the engine and arranged access to labs for the testing of the prototypes for the Take-off project. The project was able to successfully test the 5th prototype in September 2021 with hopes of more improvements in later months.
